Our Campaign
I believe education is the solid foundation that allows a society to build and develop into a more fair, responsible, and productive society. The problems that face each prospective student are cost, access, and the need for that helping hand that is extended to say “you belong.” I believe the Board of Trustees’ role is to find solutions for these problems; or at a minimum, to not block the path towards solutions. This starts with being accessible to the community in which one serves. Trustees must be available and accountable to those who elected them.
The College of DuPage proclaims to be the second-largest provider of undergraduate students in the State of Illinois but has consistently seen declines in key areas such as enrollment and retention. The COVID-19 pandemic should have been a wake-up call and an opportunity for community colleges like the College of DuPage to reach out to the community and offer an alternative to the four-year institutions pull for the “on-campus lifestyle,” that came at a premium and turned into a non-existent reality. Instead, we saw quite the opposite. We need members to have this critical eye and the ability to quickly adapt to any situation. My experience in education and the practice of law afford me this unique skillset.
Lastly, but most importantly, the students should be the main focus for all board members. Each decision should be viewed through the lens of bettering the student experience and ensuring that each student is properly guided towards achieving their personal outcomes. Education is not a “one-size-fits-all” approach. If a student’s goal is to become better trained in their given profession, then COD needs to help them meet that goal. If a student’s goal is to transfer to a 4-year institution following graduation, then COD needs to ensure each class the student takes is transferrable to the institution of their choice. If a student wants to learn a new skill set, then COD needs to offer those classes sufficient to teach and develop that skill set. In sum, COD needs to be what the students need it to be, not what COD tells them they need.
With your help and your vote, I hope to bring greater accountability, transparency, and opportunity to the College of DuPage. Vote Andrew R. Manno on April 4, 2023!